Monday, April 23, 2007

Beach escapades (week 1) - Galera

First week of the four weeks in the beach. First Stop - Puerto Galera.

Late Friday evening. I was washing my used clothes (office uniform, etc) since I wont be able to do any washing during the weekend. Why, you say? Well, my sis invited me to their trip to Puerto Galera. Since I didn't have anything to do that weekend (probably aside from washing my dirty clothes), I decided to join.

Saturday. I was watching the television (Bubble Gang) the night before while waiting for the washing machine to finish spinning my clothes, when I fell asleep. I woke up at 1 am, and realized that I must've fallen asleep. The show on the television that time was Emergency. I turned the tv off, went into the laundry area and continued washing my clothes. I finished at around 2 pm, with all my clothes hung neatly outside to dry. I then set my alarm to 3 am to have enough time (maybe have some breakfast) before leaving.

Unfortunately, an alarm clock is no good if you're dead tired. Thankfully, it wasn't far off. I woke up at around quarter to 4, so I decided to skip breakfast, prep up, and then leave. Not long before riding the jeep, my sister texted me and asked me where I was. I said I was on my way, and I would be at the meeting place before 5 o'clock in the morning.

I arrived at the meeting place a little early - around 10 minutes before 5. My sister wasn't there yet, so I decided to give her a ring. She said she wasn't far off, and true enough, she got there after around 5 minutes since I called. We waited there for a while, but around 5 thirty we decided to head up to their office to wait for the others.

We were complete at around 6 am. After gathering, we headed down to the lobby and caught a cab to the terminal. We got there around 7, and boarded the bus at around the same time. It was a good opportunity to get some sleep, since the trip would take around 2 hours.

We arrived at the port at around 10. The bus trip took longer than expected - roughly 3 hours. We bought our ticket, timed 10:30. But it was around 11:15 when we were able to board the boat and head to Puerto Galera.

The boat trip lasted for around an hour. The waves were a bit rough that time, but it was all good. The first thing we did was head out to our room, get some rest (I decided to take bath that time), then head out to lunch. Afterwards, we headed back to get some more rest, then at around past 4 we headed back to the beach and did some snorkeling.

I had some troubles with snorkeling at first, since I wasn't really accustomed to breathing using my mouth. But after a few times, I was able to get the hang of it. The only thing that was a bit troublesome was that I was bitten a couple of times by an unknown entity. My sis said it was plankton. Anyway, after being bitten a few more times (my right knee had some open wounds already), I decided to get back on the boat and wait for the others to finish. Then we went to another area of the beach, and before the sun was totally out, headed back to the main beach.

Our dinner was a feast. We had grilled pork, grilled chicken, grilled squid and some others. We actually weren't able to finish all the food, so we had to pack the leftovers. After a while, we headed to the beach to do some walking on the sand, then went out to buy some ice and got back to the room.

I woke up early the next day. I was up at around 6 am. We should finish our preparations (and breakfast) before 8 am because our boat ride back to Batangas was scheduled at 8:15 am. That was our only option since the 11 am slot was already full. It didn't really bother me much because I was able to do some picture taking one the way back. We got on the boat at 8:15, got back to the Batangas around an hour later, and rode a bus back to Manila. I was at my home at around noon.

So, that's it. It was, in a sense, bitin, since I wasn't able to do much. Not to mention that I was pretty tired before all that. But, still, it was enjoyable. And I still have another chance to do things I wasn't able to do the first time, in 2 weeks time. ^_^

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