Saturday, July 18, 2015


Image from wikipedia
I first met her in the coffee shop. I wasn't planning on staying long, just enough to finish the cafe latte I ordered while reading a book, and then leave. Then, out of nowhere, I heard a voice. A warm, sweet voice. She asked me if the seat beside me was taken. I said "no", and went back to my book. To be honest I wasn't in a conversation kind of mood, much more with a stranger.

I thought that it would end there. That after that quick, short question I would never be bothered again. But for some reason, I felt like I was being watched. Call me paranoid, but when I glanced up and see if anyone was looking, there she was, intently looking at me.

She must've been surprised by me. I can see the surprised look on her face. However, unlike most people, she started a small conversation. She asked me what the book was all about. I didn't want to be rude, so I replied. It wasn't anything interesting anyway. It was just some fiction story about a post apocalyptic future where humans are trying to survive. Nothing out of the ordinary. However, as I was explaining the plot of the book, I can see how intently she was listening. Maybe that's the reason why I decided to continue the small talk after that.