First week of the four weeks in the beach. First Stop - Puerto Galera.
Late Friday evening. I was washing my used clothes (office uniform, etc) since I wont be able to do any washing during the weekend. Why, you say? Well, my sis invited me to their trip to Puerto Galera. Since I didn't have anything to do that weekend (probably aside from washing my dirty clothes), I decided to join.
Saturday. I was watching the television (Bubble Gang) the night before while waiting for the washing machine to finish spinning my clothes, when I fell asleep. I woke up at 1 am, and realized that I must've fallen asleep. The show on the television that time was Emergency. I turned the tv off, went into the laundry area and continued washing my clothes. I finished at around 2 pm, with all my clothes hung neatly outside to dry. I then set my alarm to 3 am to have enough time (maybe have some breakfast) before leaving.